New Music Tuesday
This is the house where Carlo and I live. I also work here. It's home sweet home and stocks my favorite hoody and slippers. It's also where i do most of my writing these days.
Something i completely adore is hearing a new tune and falling in love with it on first listen. It doesn't happen very often, but when it does, it's a real treat. Whatever i am doing at the time comes to a full stop and all attention devotes to that particular breathless moment in time.
A couple weeks ago, VW came out with a new tv advert for their new convertible, the VW Eos. The soundtrack was a song that made me do just that, stop chewing my dinner and perk up! I looked high and low for this song and googled forever until i found it. And suprisingly enough, the band is an unsigned two man group from London. Their name is The Dallas Guild. They will make the international charts soon enough. The track from the commercial is called Men in White Coats. It made my day when i sent them a message on myspace and they wrote me back. Sweet!
It's just over a week till i leave for Vancouver and i'm pretty excited. It will feel good to see my home town and the wonderful people that make it up. There will be much to do and i doubt i'll even have enough time but i'm really looking forward to it.
This weekend we went to the coast and spent some time with Carlo's family. Angelina, Dan, Jasmine, Nick, Janet, Tony, Nanny Joan, Neal, and Ann were all together with us for an excellent sunday roast dinner. We went for lovely walks in Arne, Poole Harbour and around the parks. I love walking through trails where the deer are grazing. I took deep breaths and released alot of the inner crap that accumulates from daily london living. I love the coast and being near the trees.
I'm still not the master of my thoughts but i'm paying more attention to manage my negativity, and recognizing my anger needs to be transformed into a greater understanding where I see the positive instead. This week i've gotten alot of emails from friends in my past, and along with great memories, it can also bring back memories of the hardships that i faced at that time. It is so lovely to hear from friends that are a part of my life from before, and I think it's good not to forget the hardships. If i remember the hardships, then i never forget the lessons that come with it and how they benefit my life now. Gosh it sounds like i'm depressed, but i'm not!!! I think if you pay attention to the past suffering or pain when it surfaces and you embrace it then you can bring peace and healing and that's where you gain real strength. Some things stick with us a long time.
There was another song that i came across today that I like: Waterfront- by The Black Heart Processions. Moody and gorgeous, just like my day today.
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