Day 8 - The Calm after the Storm
8:30am- I made it thru the weekend, and this morning I feel.....normal and calm. I had a good sleep, no nightmares, and can't believe I am on Day 8. I have overcome so much, and to come to this point is like a miracle. Only 3 days left til I finish, and I am already feeling such a sense of relief and accomplishment. My outlook is much more chilled out now, all the agression I had built up over the weekend has melted away. I've ordered some liquid chloryphil and some more Super Foods from Garden of Life. To get back on my green goop after this is over will continue to detox my body. After doing this cleanse, the most important thing will be to restore the probiotics back into the GI, as this is to maintain our immune system. I will still be detoxing at this point, and will attempt to continue with a gentle detox nutrition system, like the one i found at Gweneth Paltrows blog was quite inspiring and she mentions a great detox recipe for the whole week.
I feel that I need to increase my standards, in myself. I feel it is time to stretch again, and I think doing this cleanse has given me that confidence. When you can master something, even if it's just one little thing, it gives you confidence, and you want to try for more. Step by step, day by day, we improve, we progress. My friend Nick said to me to stop thinking about the past or worrying about the future, forget about survival. His advice was to focus on the now, as giving our best to the "Now" is what will carve out our future. That is how we pull the best of ourselves, by giving our full attention to the present moment. I cannot help but fully agree with him.
12pm- STORM!! The lax tea got me badly around noon. I experienced terribly painful stomach cramps that had me to the point of blacking out in the office loo. I had to call for Hayley to bring me some water. How embarrassing. I thought I was going to collapse in the stall. Now my body is very cold, I want to get my hot water bottle out as soon as I get home for lunch. I did have 2 BM's today, one was dirty, the other clean, just mucus. But both brought with it the wrath of taking laxatives. Time to go easy on this stuff. I may drop to drinking it only in the evening, or finish off with OxyPowder instead.
3:13pm- God lunch hour was Harsh! My whole body went into temperature freakout mode and I skyrocketed fever hot, and then dramatically went freezing cold again. I made a peppermint tea, hot waterbottle and wrapped myself up tight in blankets while watching the Antique Show. I miss SKY tv so much! This after noon I read a little bit about a new book by Suzanne Sommers that I must grab called Breakthrough. Mom and Dad told me it was awesome, and from her website, I agree. I can't wait to check it out!
4:24 -I have realised just how much I compare my life to others, judging where I am at in comparison. That kind of thinking has led to a defeated state of mind. It is like an endless hole that can never ever be filled. I have lost what I base my happiness on. Without this it is impossible to acheive happiness. Cleansing the body increases your awareness of self, and your thoughts. And there is plenty ahead in this realm that I intend to work at. I don't know what my purpose is, that is my deepest unhappiness. At 31, I feel very lost.
5:24- some research I found that is helping me understand why I got so ill.
What is a healing crisis?
The concept of the "healing crisis" is found in a Homeopathic Law called Hering’s Law of Cure, which states that all cure comes from within out, from the head down and in the reverse order of the appearance of the symptoms.
Let us take the example of a person who goes to a drugstore upon “catching” a cold. The product purchased is one advertised to relieve the symptoms of a cold. This product will likely relieve the symptoms of the cold, but it probably won’t do much more that is beneficial. It will, in all likelihood, dry up and crystallize the mucus and toxins being released through the action of the cold, driving them deeply into the bronchial tissues. This changes the condition from acute to subacute, a less noticeable state, making the person feel better. Some time later (often at the change of a season) the body will make its attempt to throw these toxins off. This may result in a cold, cough or even the flu, which frequently drives the person back to the time-tested formula used earlier to relieve the “problem”. This, of course, reverses the cleansing at once, driving the mucus and toxins ever more deeply into the tissues. Starting with a cold, a usual history is to develop tendencies to coughs, flues, bronchitis or hay fever, then asthma and finally, perhaps a degenerate and chronically diseased lung.
At some stage, however, the person may decide to begin living in a more healthy manner and eventually begins to feel better. This healthy period progresses happily until the person is usually heard to remark, “haven’t felt this good in years”. At this point the body has built up enough strength again so that it attempts once more to eliminate some of the toxins. In our example, the person might appear to “catch” asthma, which s/he hasn’t had for years. During this crisis, the body is simply trying to rid itself of the toxins and the disharmonies.
Throughout a cleansing/building program there will be periods of better health punctuated by short crises. The person in our example will then, over perhaps months or years, re-experience asthma, hay fever, bronchitis, flues, coughs and colds, in that order. Each of these conditions will appear as a Healing Crisis, with symptoms similar to that of the original disease crisis. The major difference is that the crisis is of much shorter duration and is often more dramatic. The person also feels much better both before and after the crisis (if left to run its natural course). The individual should ensure the intake of plenty of vitamins, minerals, herbs specific to the problem and brothy soups to promote a speedy recovery.
10pm- I just got home from the gym, and I am feeling good. I spent about 2 hours there, spent 45 minutes on cardio, and did light weights. I am feeling so much better, more energy and strength.
Verdict for Day 8
Body- Bright, skin is looking good too. Complextion is healthier.
Mind- contemplative, still, relaxed, and at present.
Spirit- lifted
Energy- medium.
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