Tuesday, April 03, 2007

The Theme Song for Spring

Spring is here, and so is daylight savings. April has been gorgeous so far, yesterday it was 20C out, absolutely lovely.
Times are stressful as we are in the midst of moving, and also switching jobs and the whole transition....I'm also waiting for my pending visa that will allow me to continue living in the UK... Gotta have faith!

This afternoon people picked up the piano i sold on ebay. Now the house in Croydon really looks empty. I'll be catching up on my TIVO and also writing up some website stuff...with the move, i'm still so behind with posting the new pages and uploading the properties. Soon....all will fall into place soon.

I spoke with mom for a while today, it was good having a longer conversation with her. I miss her and dad alot. I appreciate family more now as i get older.

My focus is truely on my new life awaiting in Bournemouth....I love it there. I went for a walk yesterday along the beachfront, deeply breathing in the sea air, staring at the english channel and the lapping waves on the shoreline, making wishes of what I'd like for the future, yet so happy to be in the present. It was a really great weekend.

Easter is coming fast, and that means yummy mini eggs and a big English Sunday Roast Dinner!!! Now that is most certainly worth whistling a tune and skipping down the street to!